The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide for Dog Owners

The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide for Dog Owners
Let's be real, nothing ruins a holiday gathering more than your furry friend going rogue and doing their business under the Christmas tree or snatching up the turkey before it hits the table. It's like they have a secret agenda to embarrass you in front of your family and friends. But fear not, with a little bit of training, your pup can be the life of the party (in a good way).
Thanksgiving family with dogs
While many things are out of our control this year, the one thing that isn't is prepping your pooch for gatherings
  1. Know your dog: Does your pup have the social skills to hang with the crowd without causing trouble? Consider leaving him at home if he gets too nervous or keeping him in a quiet room if you are hosting. Sometimes a cozy bed and a good chew toy will be more enjoyable for your dog.

  2. Exercise is key: A well-exercised dog is a happy dog. Without the proper amount of exercise, your pooch will feel the need to release pent-up energy in ways you might not like. Try incorporating toys and games that make your dog think, and don't forget to include some physical activity.

  3. Basic obedience commands are a must: Teaching your dog basic commands like "sit," "down," and "stay" will go a long way in ensuring a stress-free gathering. Don't be afraid to ask your guests for help with training, and demonstrate how to correct bad behavior as well as the appropriate time to give rewards.

  4. Teach "go to your place": Couple this command with a long-lasting chew toy or lick mat, and your dog will be able to stay near you and your guests while lying safely on his bed and not underfoot.

  5. Puppy proofing is a must: Some holiday plants and ornaments can be dangerous if chewed or swallowed. Train your dog to "leave it" to quickly turn his attention away from the item you prefer he not have. "Leave it" also comes in handy if your dog begins to pester a person or other family pet.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and Holiday season.  If you are able to be with loved-ones we hope you do so safely.  Much love to our pack.  We are grateful for you this year. 

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